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Michael's Maxims

Thinking Things Out

Thinking it Out
A funny name, sure? But to excogitate means to really think things out. That's what this podcast is and site is all about. I personally came to the conclusion years ago that most media treats consumers like idiots, overly emotional people able to consider only things that require little thought and depends completely on shoehorning subjects into preexisting narratives. The idea has stuck with me that important things need to be thought out and discussed with honesty.
Some people would call interchangeable, dumb, functionary pieces cogs, like gears in a machine they have no real function but to do what they are told. When people start thinking things out, when they excogitate they become unfit for the machine, they become Excogs.
Past the Podcast

Here at I want to do more than just provide a site to show up in searches, I will endeavor to use the site to do these three things:
1. Get to know my listeners and supporters better.
2. Build a community of listeners and promote dialogue that will make all the people who would like to share their thoughts contributors in that way.
3. Create a space where I can go beyond the podcast subjects and share some messages that don't exactly fit the mold, that may include more responses to the news, Biblical messages or some other sundry I feel the need to share.
Want to learn more about our services? Contact us today.
Excog Family
Excogitate.Net Let's think things out together


Hi, I am Michael Kissel, husband for just over 15 years, dad to one great kid, owner of a small business in the huge commercial construction industry. I am an avid reader, a talker and a guy who loves to make stuff with his hands. It's impossible to know what to say in these things - but I hope you'll check out the site and the podcast and share your feedback.